Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Customer Service, new place, Volvo

I just finished three days of training in the customer service department of the company I work for. It was definitely a learning and valuable experience! I should be a better sales rep as a result of spending that extra training time in the customer service department.

The people are great, but I have to admit, the limited room (cramped quarters) and how hot it gets up there in the afternoon made it difficult to concentrate on learning. But I survived and am now a better person as a result.


I'm finally in my new place and can actually spend some time setting up my room and emptying the boxes piled up in my room and in the garage. I'm happy the last 7 days are over with.

I sold my Volvo but can't find the title, so I have to fight the lines and boredom of the MVD (motor vehicles division) to get a new print-out of my title. Oh well.

I expect to get my Subaru Outback within a few weeks, so I'll be huffin' it on my bike till then. But then again, that's what I usually do anyway cause I love my bike!



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