Paintings & A Yucca Flower

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 8:40 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Watching "Hunt For Red October" on ShoTime - A personal favorite
Weather At Posting: 63 F 17 C
Current Mood: Winding down - Ready for bed (I have to be up at 5 am tomorrow)
Last Meal: Sweet 'N Sour Chicken
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Sedona Red Rocks In The Background
I was crusin' around a neighborhood in Sedona while waiting for a store to open--I was wasting time--and came across this killer yucca plant as it bloomed.
The cool and different thing about this flower compared to others I've seen is the spiraling trunk. I'd never seen a yucca plant's flower like this one.
Line From The Movie: "He's turning into the path of the torpedo." - "Mother Of God!"

Notice The Giant Bees
This blooming yucca has attracted other giants--click on the image to view the enlargement (1000 pixel width) to get a better view of the creatures circling the plant. I found two flying creatures preparing to land on the yucca flower.
Line From The Movie: "Flood the torpedo tubes and plot a solution."

Quito, Ecuador - Circa 1965
Mormor, my grandma ("Mormor" defined stands for "mother's mother" in Swedish of which I'm 50%) created this painting about 40 years ago (as of this year) of a typical street in Ecuador.
Ecuador is A country in South America just South of Columbia, West of Brazil and North of Peru. It's one of two personal favorites that she painted--may she rest in peace. She died in the mid 1980's.
Line From The Movie: "The hard part about playin' chicken is knowing when to flinch."

Just A Copy Of An Original I Liked
I really like rainy days and when I had to choose a final project in my painting class in college, I chose this one. Of course it's not exactly the same as the original. I took the same subject and made it more expressionistic, compared to the more impressionistic original version. That is to say, I made the brush strokes more obvious in my version.
One thing that sucks is how grainy the image turned out. It doesn't look that bad in reality. Both my grandmother's painting and my painting are hanging in my bedroom.
Line From The Movie: "This one's gonna be close!"
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Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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