Balls Deep, Grand Canyon, Lost Meal...
Ruined A Coyote's Meal
I made a delivery to the local ski area this morning (Arizona Snow Bowl) and "On The Way Down" I saw a jack rabbit running down the middle of the road right toward my truck. Then I realized the creature a ways back chasing the rabbit was a coyote. I had to honk to get the rabbit to move out of the way.
Unfortunately, the coyote took off the other direction and probably lost his one and only opportunity of the week or month to have a meal.
I feel bad. Sorry bro!
Elk On The Way Back
I went to the Grand Canyon today and on the way back nearly ran into four elk as they were crossing the road. They looked so different than they do in the summer cause they had so much more fur because it's winter.
They look better with all that extra fur.
Spidey and Shaggy (Brian & Jason) hit me up when I got back from the Grand Canyon tonight about designing a website for their latest endeavor.
They have decided to call their (quad) racing team "Balls Deep Racing" and want a site created under the name ""
Already Registered Domain Name
Unfortunately the domain name "" is already taken.
I also checked "" ("Z" instead of "S") and that one's taken too. "" is also already registered.
It seems as though someone has already thought of the name and registered all the possibilities...which sucks.
A couple possibilities (that are not yet registered) include:
We'll see what the two decide on.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 8:00 p.m. (xZachly) Mountain Standard Time
Current Tunes: Watching "Nefertiri Resurrected" on the Science Channel
Weather At Posting: 29 F or - 2 C
Current Mood: Headache...need water
Last Meal: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes w/gravy, cole slaw and a bisquit.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.