Monday, February 06, 2006

Gettin' Ready For Californica

Today was my first official day on the phone with potential customers. It went well, but did get one guy who wanted to do things his way and not qualify for our assistance--which entails answering a few important questions to ensure we are a good fit for him.

The questions are designed to weed out the people we cannot offer a practicle and money saving value, but he just wanted to take control and skip all that. In other words, waste my time.


In other news, we had a killer Super Bowl party yesterday at my house complete with a keg of junk beer (bud light) and bar-b-que (hot dogs, hamburgers, steak, corn-on-the-cob and ribs. Mad potato and tortilla chips and cheese dip, salsa, etc.).

After the game, we had a spontaneous game of Texas Holdem with seven of us. I was the third one out. I was up till 2 am and got to work at 8 am. It's now 7:30 pm MST and I'm ready to leave work and crash!


Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'm headin' to Californica with the other new sales rep., the "Developer's Division" sales rep, the owner and his fience' in two different cars.

I'll be working till Friday afternoon when I get picked up by my twin brother and spend the night at his pad with the wife and four kids (two of which are twins--tykes, all of them, under 10 years old). Then on Saturday my other brother picks me up and takes me to his place for that night with his lady and two of five kids. His twins are under 3 years old.

Yes, if you didn't catch that, my twin brother has twins and my older brother has twins. Cool huh?

On the last turkey day (Thanksgiving 2005) we took the first of many pictures to come of all three sets of twins. I was holding Phil's twins and Parker was holding his set of twins. Twins holding one set of twins each. I'll have to dig out that picture and show y'all.


Wish me luck this week!


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