One Happy Camper!
My last day of work with Skully & Son's Flagstaff was yesterday (Friday 01-06-05). I was pretty glad when 3:30 came around yesterday. No more crawling under each house to staple and strap heating duct to the floor joists, walking around in the rafters (and occasionally falling through the ceiling), and dealing with 7 degree mornings in a half completed house.
The attached picture is right where I fell through the ceiling. You should have seen the inside of my arms; they were hamburger.

Anyway, I'm going to Californica with all expensed paid which should be pretty cool. I can't wait. I hope it's soon.
I start my new job with ( on Monday January 9, 2006. I'm their new sales rep.
An image of their website is below:

I've gotta take a nap now. I've been up since before the sun rose cause we went fishing this morning at lake Mary in Flagstaff, AZ--which I might add was frozen about two inches from the top. We had to forego using the canoe and just looked for a spot that thawed out first. The only thing we caught was an old man trying to snag one of our fishing poles--the thief! He must have thought it was his or was really funny. I guess you had to be there.
Have a good weekend!
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