Nothin' Like Being Sick, heh?
Three Things At Once
Presently I'm suffering from the common cold, bronchitis and prostititus (an infection of the prostate) simultaneously. Just my luck!
I'm taking anti-biotics for the upper resperatory infection and the prostate infection and a narcodic (vicodin) for the INCREDIBLE pain in the groin area! It's hard to tell people my balls hurt.
No, they're not blue, they're not swollen (yet) and no they're not shrinking, in case you're wondering.
Mmmmmmm, Vicodin
So far I've been high straight since Friday night. The scary thing is that the pain is actually getting worse and the vicodin is not working as effectively as it originally did.
DR.'s Appointment
I have a confirmed doctor's appointment tomorrow morning (Tuesday) and both look forward to it and am kinda nervous (about what I'll find out).
I just want the pain to go away. It's probably just cancer or something.
No Work
I can't afford not to be working right now, but I can't do much work in this condition...let alone much else.
Sitting Is The Worst
The most pain is experienced when I sit down or just before I have to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. As it builds up (urine, etc.), the pain increases two to three times until I finally urinate or have a bowel movement.
Once I've relieved myself, I feel considerably less pain.
It kinda sucks that vicodin constipates you...especially with my symptoms.
Heavy Snow Predicted
It's also supposed to snow a lot tomorrow here in Flagstaff, AZ which really sucks for me cause my windshield wipers are not operational at the moment (Ken, hint, hint, hint!).
So, I might have to take a taxi to my destination. All my friends and roommates will be working. Oh well.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: .m. Mountain Standard Time
Current Tunes: Saliva - "Rest In Pieces"
Weather At Posting: 37 F or 3 C
Current Mood: Dealin' with being high (Vicadin)
Last Meal: Smoked ham slices and crackers (I'm too tired to make anything)

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.