Grand Canyon's Tame Elk & Deer

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 10:12 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Blink 182 - "Down"
Weather At Posting: 61 F 16 C Clear & breezy
Current Mood: Still waking up
Last Meal: Lemon pepper chicken breast, pork-a-la-Zach and chocolate cup-cakes
NOTE: Use "ARCHIVES" on right panel for previous postings

Just A Giant Deer
These things (elk) are nothing more than deer gone crazy on my opinion. They look and act just like deer, but are considerably larger...probably as much as 2.5 times as large.
This guy with quite a rack...refering mainly to his horns...just lingers while cars pass him and people such as myself follow him taking pictures taunting him. He just ignores us and keeps munchin' away at the local flora as if we were'nt even there.
Current Tunes: Incubus - "Drive"

King Of The Road
This big fella just decided to cross the road casually...nevermind the passing cars and all the people watching him.
Current Tunes: Seether - "Broken"

A Collection Of Hungry Elk At The Grand Canyon
In this shot you can see five of the six elk that were grazing together at the Grand Canyon. The canyon is actually about 1/4 mile North of this spot (corner of Zuni Way and Market Place).
They all pretty much just ignored the hordes of people who were gawk at them continuously. The female elk showed some signs of being spooked on occasion, but the male elk didn't give a hoot.
Current Tunes: SugarCult - "Memory"

Tame As Can Be
Across the street from the elk grazing was a small group of male deer (all with a nice set of antlers) just eatin' away next to the road. There were a total of seven of male deer.
As with the elk, they just kept munchin' away as cars would pass and people would walk right up to them to take pictures and videos. It was crazy. Almost as if we were at a petting zoo.
Current Tunes: Yellowcard - "Only One" (one of my all-time favorites
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Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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