Californica Vacation Pictures

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 8:40 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Disturbed - "Stupify (Remix)"
Weather At Posting: 55 F 13 C Partly cloudy w/slight breeze
Current Mood: Finally rested up from a long and fun weekend in California
Last Meal: Chicken Lo Mein, fried rice and two cup-cakes
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Gutting My Fish
My fish is being cleaned in this shot. Two people I met and fished with the first day I went on a 3/4 day deep-sea fishing trip in the background--Ryan and Jordan.
I went out of Dana Point, my new favorite place to go deep-sea fishing from cause, for one reason, it's close to my buddy's place (Vince Rios) in Mission Viejo, CA.
The shoreline of the Southern Californica coast in the distant background--probably Laguna or the immediate area, if I remember correctly.
Current Tunes: Simple Plan - "Perfect"

Lucky Bastard!
Josh, another person I met and fished with on the deep-sea fishing trip on Friday August 13, 2004 caught this nice yellowtail on his first cast when we got to a kelp bed off the coast of San Onofre, CA.
If memory serves me, the fish was about 15 lbs. Josh kept complaining about his thumb after he caught the yellowtail cause his drag wasn't doing the job while reeling in the fish, so he had to use his thumb also to create more drag. I'm sure it was worth the pain.
Update: Josh had a bitter-sweet day that day. On the way home from his great deep-sea fishing experience he fell asleep on the freeway and lightly rear-ended another car in the car-pool lane. In addition to that, he never got to eat any of his prize catch...cause Ryan and his family bar-b-qued it and ate it all. Tough break, Josh.
Current Tunes: Unwritten Law - "Seein' Red"

Circus Show In The Water
These porpoises (about 80 +/-) swimming along gave us a little show the second 3/4 day I went out deep-sea fishing on Monday August 16, 2004. Unfortunately I couldn't catch many of them out of the water cause my digital camera takes forever to register an image, so I can't take an instant picture. As a result, I miss a lot of spontaneous shots cause it takes so long to take the frickin' picture.
Current Tunes: Story Of The Year - "Until The Day I Die"

Friends Say Hello
The porpoises are exactly what the books say, friendly! They were just as interested in us as we were in them. It was really cool to see them like that, in the wild shores of Southern Californica.
We saw groups of porpoises on three different occasions on that trip, so in all we probably saw at least 150 of them, I suppose.
All together I saw the following:
* A flying fish (I'll never forget that sight)
* Porpoises
* Seals (sea lions)
* Pelicans (I caught one foul hook)
* Barracuda (great fight)
* Yellowtail (Josh's prize catch)
* Calico Bass
* Sand Bass
* Mackerel
* Sea Cucumber (which I caugh foul hook)
* Sculpin (Ryan's favorite)
* Different types of jelly fish
* Bonito
We fished using live bait (sardines) and lures (Krokodiles). I must have had 20 or so barracuda but lost most of them along with the hook. They have really sharp small teeth the easily draw blood. They drew blood from one of my fingers as I was simply trying to open one of their mouths just before cleaning it at my buddy's place.
Ryan Medley (from Covina, CA) got stung by a sculpin the first day we went out as he tried to help Jordan take his fish off the hook. As a result, his hand and fingers swelled up like a baloon and judging by the change in his temperment, it must have really hurt. He looked pretty miserable.
The interesting thing is the next Monday when we went fishing again, the only thing he caught all day was one sculpin. I couldn't help but laugh, but I felt bad for him too.
Current Tunes: Linkin Park - "One Step Closer"

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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