The World Famous Sedona, AZ

Click here to view the complete monsoon image seen above.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 8:44 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Watching "Arnold and Maria" (Schwarzenegger) on E!
Weather At Posting: 72 F 22 C & there's a monsoon hittin' at the time
Current Mood: Woke up to a friend's phone call
Last Meal: Hot Italian sausage, cheddar broccoli rice, hot sour soup and some malt balls
NOTE: Use "ARCHIVES" on right panel for previous postings

A Nice View
This shot is a creation of mine, combining four images I recently took from a hilltop in the middle of Sedona, Arizona
Current Tunes: Incubus - "Drive"

Above: This image is looking West
The mountain in the distance is Mingus Mountain in Cottonwood, Clarkdale and Jerome, AZ. California is in the distance :)

Above: This Image Is Looking South
Of course you can't see it, but Phoenix is off in the distance about +/- 160 miles.
Current Tunes: Papa Roach - "Last Resort"

Above: Looking South-East
The Sedona airport is located on top of that long flat hill in the left side of the picture.

Above: This Picture Is Looking East
Looking this direction, you'll enter the World's largest Ponderosa pine forest and head toward the middle of New Mexico--off in the distance several hundred miles.
In the future, I will be posting more pictures of Sedona in a similar format.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
NOTE: Use "ARCHIVES" on right panel for previous postings