Memorial Day Memories

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 6:49 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Puddle Of Mudd - "Blurry"
Weather At Posting: 63 F w/patchy clouds and breezy
Current Mood: Winding down
Random Trivia: The 111 days after, starting the Friday before Memorial Day every year, is the most dangerous time to be on the road. More accidents happen during those 111 days than the rest of the year, and a majority of them are alcohol related.
Last Meal: An 8" Quiznos "Italian Sub" with everything on it, plenty of water, one bowl of brownie chocolate ice cream and eight small powder donuts.
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Memorial Day 2000
One of the best Memorial Day's I've had was back in the year 2000. Me, Scott, Justin, Matt, Chris, and other friends went to Lone Rock Beach at Lake Powell in Utah. It was a little breezy when we got there. That first night we swam around, made dinner and threw some sand around.
Wind Storm From Hell
The next day started out fine until the winds kicked in at about 35-40+ miles an hour. We spent most of the day in our vehicles out of the wind and beating sand--it sucked. The wind was gusting so hard that our tents looked like 1/2 a moon and not 1/2 a circle, as they would normally.
The Girls Leave All Mad
The girls got frustrated and eventually mad and left because we guys didn't want to leave and were willing to rough it out.
They Should Have Stuck Around
Later that afternoon the winds died to a crawl and we drank ourselves into a lot of fun. The next day some people showed up with a Jet Ski and tired of it shortly after they got there. They saw us without much for entertainment and let us use the Jet Ski. Needless-to-say, I spent most of the time on it cause the others were either scared or felt weird about using it. The guy (owner) said to use it all we wanted and have some fun, so I did.

Mercy Fall Is Signed By Atlantic Records!
A friend I met while working at HomCo, Ace Home Center in Flagstaff, AZ, Ethan Rea, is the drummer of a band called "Mercy Fall." While on tour in New York, the band signed with Atlantic Records!
Congratulaions Ethan!

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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