Friday, December 17, 2004

A Friend Is Bummed...& I'm Bummed Now

Sad Days Round Here
A have a friend (who I'm really fond of, cause he's so alive...which I strive to be like) and he's having one of those days that really bring ya down...and I can't help but be sad about that.

I realize that I am affected (or effected...I can't keep those two words straight...and I'm a journalism major, oiy vey!) by other peoples moods more than I like to think I am.

I hope what ever he's bummed about works it's self out...cause I don't like to see my friends suffering.

I wish he'd talk about it to someone!

Current Tunes: Crowded House - "Don't Dream It's Over (GREAT SONG!)

All The More Reason... be a "PILLAR" of good hope, positivity and life around others. If I affect/effect others that way, I should consider being more passionate in what I do, say and think...only to encourage others. Hmmmmm.

Current Tunes: Don Henley - "Boys Of Summer (Another GREAT SONG!)

I'm In The Mood... tear it up tonight and I have to be alive and operational at work tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 6:30 a.m. (Mountain Standard Time). What a pisser!

I don't feel as bad as the other guys who have to be there at 5 a.m. - hehehe!

My Flagstaff Skiing Web Page
My Flagstaff, Arizona page on my personal website is getting a lot more attention from the search engines lately cause I added skiing info for the region. Pretty cool.

Martan's Wins A Regional Award!
MartAnne's (formerly Martan's) Burrito Palace (mexican restaurant) here in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona won their first award from "Flagstaff Live" magazine.

The exact award is: "Best hangover-beating breakfast: Martan's chilaquiles (green)"

Congratulations Ann and Gretchen!

Click here for your area forecast.
Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 4:29 p.m. Mountain Standard Time
Current Tunes: Counting Crows - "Round Here"
Weather At Posting: 43 F = 6 C
Current Mood: Exhausted
Last Meal: Green Chiliquiles from MartAnnes Burrito Palace

An up-to-the-minute image of the Flagstaff, Arizona area through this webcam

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.



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