More Drugs, My Personality Number...
Give Me Drugs!
I went to the doctor's again today and they gave me a new set of drugs (medication) totaling $104 at the register of the if I can afford that!
New Antibiotic
The doc told me to stop using the doxycycline I was prescribed earlier and gave a prescription for Cipro--a stonger, more effective and more expensive antibiotic.
He said by the weekend I should be feeling much better...yeah, that's what the other doctor said...the bastard!
Stronger Narcodic
The Vicodin I was taking almost did the job, but I could still feel the pain after I took a pill...and only three hours after taking the pill, I needed another one...but I was supposed to wait to take one every four hours. It sucked.
So, the doc gave me a stronger dose. One pill of the first bottle didn't do enough, but two pills of that pill was too much. So, he gave me a bottle with pills that are 1.5 times the strength of the first bottle.
My Temperment Number
According to how I answered the questionaire...
I Am An INDIVIDUALIST My Temperment Number Is: |
I am intuitive and sensitive with others and myself. |
What Are You?
Click here to find out what temperment number you are.
Don't worry, it's free.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 9:44 p.m. Mountain Standard Time
Current Tunes: Watching "Cosmic Odyssey" on the Science Channel
Weather At Posting: 27 F or -3 C
Current Mood: Chillin' on Vicodin--sentimental
Last Meal: Mescalin Mix (a.k.a. spring mix) salad with homemade dressing, Angus steak, oriental flavor ramen noodles (little water), sauteed shrooms and a homemade brownie

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.