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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 7:17 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Unwritten Law - "Rest Of My Life"
Weather At Posting: 63 F Cloudy, breezy and comfortable
Current Mood: Satisfied!
Random Thought: Got my first Blog comment today
Random Trivia: Did you know that wind is created when there is a difference in temperature? Warm air rises when cold air is present and air is pushed around.
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I Finally Got To Use My Que
I got my Bar-B-Que goin' today and bought some steaks and chicken to que up. Mmmmmm! Unfortunately, I bought steak that was different than what I expected, so I wasn't as satisfied with that as I could have been, but I'm still bar-b-quein, and I love it!
I have some more chicken marinating in salsa till tomorrow night when I'll que them up too. Ken came over this afternoon and feasted too. Good timing Ken. Tomorrow I'll be putin' some corn on the cob on there too, with the husks on, my favorite way to make 'em.

F"@&!^ Apartment ASSistant Manager
The apartment manager came by claiming that the Que is an eye sore and contacted the manager complaining about my bar-b-que. He later came by and told me that if it's not gone from where I put it by Monday, he was going to remove it himself.
Since then, I have contacted the manager and told her that the ASSt. manager tends to exaggerate and asked her to reconsider until she had a chance to see it for herself. She agreed to check it out on Monday and make a decision. I hope she sees that the stories the ASSt. manager is telling her is all wrong.
The ASSt. manager claims it makes the complex look ghetto cause it's so big. "The propane tank is a hazzard." What a dick! I should have told him he was full of bull crunchies.

On a lighter note, I think I'll share more of my pictures from other madd-capped adventures from the past.
Past Adventures And Pictures
Above is one of my favorite Grand Canyon pictures I've taken. This was Winter 2003 - 2004, probably around November or December, while mom was still alive.
A Bummer For Hundreds
It was funny to see hundreds of tourists from all over the world who traveled hundreds or even thousands of miles to see such a natural wonder only to look over the edge of the grand canyon and see nothing past 7-10 feet because of the fog. What a buzz-kill, heh?
On occasion the fog would roll away for a few seconds and people would rush over to where they could see and the cameras would go full blast. Actually, it was kinda sad.
Killer Timing
Below is a picture of one such moment, and I think it came out quite cool. You can see the canyon bottom in this one. That's roughly one mile down from where I took the picture.
Current Music: Eminem - "Loose Yourself"

Rare Abstract View Of A Natural Wonder
The lines at the bottom of the picture above are trails that lead to the Colorado river, which, as you probably already know, is what carved out the Grand Canyon over millions of years.
I was actually taking some pretty cool pictures that foggy day at the Grand Canyon. I decided to take advantage of the Grand Canyon under foggy conditions because I thought there might not be too many pictures of the Grand Canyon with fog all over the place.
I Looked Like A Tourist
I was on a rampage to get as many pictures as I could under these conditions. People were looking at me probably wondering why I was taking pictures of fog. Shoot, I think the top picture is one of the best pictures I've ever taken, but that's my opinion.
The picture below is another photograph I took randomly while the fog lifted enough to see something, even fairly close.

Thanks To The Lady From Wisconsin
While taking the picture above, a lady from Wisconsin freaked out and kept beggin' me to get off the edge of the wall I was standing on to take the picture.
I suspect If I remember correctly, the lady who was so affraid for me was about 50 years old. She was so concerned about me standing on the wall that she insisted on holding on to me so I wouldn't go over the edge to my death.
Maybe I shouldn't say anything, and I'm not so sure about this, but I wonder if she just wanted to touch my butt. :)
Fernando You Punk Ass!
Nando, (as I call him), I'm gonna kick your butt across Flagstaff next time you use so much bleach in the water to mop! (Jus' messin')

Nando decided to do some spring cleaning cause it was a little slow at work today and nearly killed me (exaggeration). You see, I have chronic bronchitis and my lungs are a little touchyer than most peoples. Anyway, he put so much bleach in the water to mop that when it evaporated, the chlorine vapors filled the air something fierce. I could barely breath in the warehouse.
For about 5 or 6 hours after that mopping incident, my lungs actually hurt cause the chlorine vapors burnt my lungs, literally. It reminded me of the days living in Southern California where there's so much smog that it looks like there's constant (yellow) fog. I know that feeling all too well. My doctor said that when my chest hurt like that, the smog did the equivalent of a sun burn to my lungs.
I forgive you nando, just don't do it again, K?
Anyway, I'll keep you up-to-date about the Bar-B-Que incident as it unfolds. Try to get some sleep despite your concern about the Que.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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