Workin' Fool, Training, Shaggy
I'm a workin' fool! So far this week, that is to say Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I've already worked 35 hours! Looking at the stack on my desk, it will look as though by the end of the week, and that is to include Saturday, I will probably have close to 60 or more hours under my belt.
If I reach 60 hours this week, that means it will be the forth or fifth week I will come close to that's all a blur.
We also had special training last weekend which made the weekend that much shorter, but it was certainly worth every minute!
I discovered that I am the most social personality out there. I pegged the charts. It's weird cause I enjoy sittin' at my desk and working with my puter, which is not very social, so I don't know what to tell you regarding that.
Anyway, I thought I'd include an image in today's post to remind people that I also have a phlog (photo-log).
Enjoy the visual below.

Above: A friend (a.k.a. Shaggy) on his quad out on Leupp Road on a beautiful Spring day in 2004 with the San Francisco Peaks of Flagstaff, AZ in the background.
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