Sold Another Cedar Chest!
I have this 100% Red Aromatic Cedar Hope Chest webpage where I offer hand crafted products for a very reasonable price considering it's 100% red aromatic cedar. It can be found here.
An image of the webpage can be seen below:

Anyway, I sold another red cedar hope chest, which comes at a good time cause I really need the money.
I've been studying like a madman at my new job ( Literally studying all day long. From 8 am to about 6 pm with an occasional break here and there. I try to stop reading every 3 hours or so and walk around.
I think I'm driving the people in the office crazy cause I want to be social when I'm not studying--and they're trying to make money.
Everyone's cool, but one of the guys is really focused and stand-offish. Oh well, I'm not hurt.
I'm just really happy cause I got a $5 increase in pay by taking this job. Eat your heart out Chauser (Sam)!
One of the guys where I now work has been there only 4 1/2 months and for the last two weeks he's getting paid almost $3,000! I hope to be doing as well as he's doing in that time frame when I get to that point. Keep your fingers crossed.