Dreamin' Summer

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 6:03 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Trapt - "Headstrong"
Weather At Posting: 68 F Cloudy and breezy
Current Mood: Exhausted but kickin'
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Now I'm Ready For Summer
You may ask, "How are you ready for summer?" Well, I just bought a Bar-B-Que! I've been thinking about one for a while now cause cookin' that way is definitely up there in the "Favorites" category. One terrible thing though, I've set it all up, but I'm too damn tired to cook anything on it tonight.
Work was normally rought and physical. It kicks my butt and I'm always ready for bed when I get home--usually between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. You see, I usually get up at 4 a.m. to be at work at 5 a.m. and work till 3 or 5--sometimes even later.
I have to move 20 - 50 pound boxes all day long--that's how the produce I deliver to restaurants all day long is packaged. For example: 50 pound boxes of potatoes, onions, carrots, 40# boxes of cucumbers, jalapenos and Italian Squash, 25# boxes of tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, 20# boxes of processed produce and more.
Anyway, I hope I have enough energy tomorrow to use my new purchase. Pathetic, huh?

Above: This is just a killer shot of Oak Creek Canyon just North of Sedona on April 24, 2004. The exact location is "Pine Flats" camping area next to the natural spring looking South toward Sedona.
Opposite Of Pet Peeve
My friends and I have already planned another campin' trip to go quadin', fishin' and shootin' the bull. I can't wait! Camping is one of my favorite things to do.
Three Types Of Campers
There are several different types of campers in my book. 1) There's the type that drive around with a camper or recreational vehicle of some sort and doesn't see the need for a camp fire unless it's convenient. 2) There's the down-to-Earth camper that has no RV but instead takes a tent, a sleeping bag, a portable stove, etc. and has a fire at night if possible. 3) Then there's me. The type that insists on a fire every night, especially with pine burning in the fire. I still use a sleeping bag but only use the tent if it's necessary (less to worry about). The standard meal on one of my typical camping scenerios includes hot-dogs on a stick, potato chips, smores and corn-on-the-cob (cooked directly in the fire with the husks on). That way, there's no dishes to clean, no condiments to lug around and it's simple and GOOD eatin'!

Fire! Fire! Fire!
I usually show up to the site about three hours before anyone else does so I can comb the area for good fire wood. You see, I insist on having a pile of firewood at least three feet tall for a good time. "Fire, Fire, Fire! HeHeHe." The picture above is one example of the fires I like to have during camping sessions. That is Jarod Sears sitting down and part of Evan Livingston standing before the fire back in 1998 somewhere in Northern Arizona.
Next Camping Trip
I think me and my buddies will be headin' out to a local spot near the water where we can take a quad and romp around too. Fishin' will even be a possibility at that point, cause it'll be a lot warmer then, compared to last time.
If not, we might just go out to the "lava river cave" just outside of Flagstaff (the locals call it the "lava tubes"). That's a personal favorite for me. I love that place. For that matter, I love any place in the middle of a pine or eucalyptus forest.
Below: A picture looking out the lava river cave (lava tubes) opening just outside Flagstaff, AZ back in the summer of 2000. That's Scott Poole makin' his way out the cave.

Personal History Lesson
I lived in a eucalyptus forest for about 5 years in Ecuador, South America when I was a whipper snappin' pip-squeek (from about 2 to 7 years old). I remember waking up smelling the menthol fresh air every morning. Boy! Do I miss that!

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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