Sedona: View From The Airport

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 7:40 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: A Perfect Circle - "Blue"
Weather At Posting: 64 F 18 C cloudy & calm
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A Personal Compilation
This synthesis of images is a feeble attempt on my part to bring to you the viewer a glimps of the Sedona, AZ area from the local airport on top a hill.

Looking Toward California
From atop the hill at the Sedona airport look-out, this is the view as you look toward Cottonwood and Jerome Arizona. In fact, the long flat mountain in the distance is Mingus Mountain which Cottonwood is at the base of and Jerome is set in.
Current Tunes: Atari's - "Boys Of Summer"

Looking North-West
This picture is looking more West than North. You can see Sycamore Canyon really well in this shot. Seligman is about 1-1/2 hours and Kingman is about 2-1/2 hours in that direction (on the highway, not as the crow flies).
This area of Sedona, Arizona is mostly residential and out of the way of all the tourists, except for the Enchantment Resort set back in one of the canyons in the picture.
Current Tunes: Good Charlot - "The Anthem"

More Residential Areas
Most of the Sedona government is located in this area of town as well as a lot of residential communities.

More Residential Areas Of Sedona
The locals call the rock formation in the center "Coffee Pot Rock" when you see it from this angle. As you get closer to the formation, you begin to see how it got it's looks so much like an old-time coffee pot (perculator).
Current Tunes: Limp Bizkit - "It'll Be O.K."

East Side Of Sedona, Arizona
This is where the collage ends because the trees get in the way to see the rest of town. Straight ahead about two hours (on the highway) is the Grand Canyon (Desert View Area).
This area of town is one of the many expensive communities in Sedona, AZ. To the right, behind the bushes in the picture, is the tourist area and the entrance to Oak Creek Canyon (Hwy 89A). Hwy 179 which leads to the interstate (I 17) is also behind the bushes.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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