Fish Over Flagstaff, AZ

Click here to view the complete monsoon image seen above.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 10:50 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Watching "Hackers: Outlaws And Legends" on the Science Channel
Weather At Posting: 79 F - 26 C - Threatening skies (see image below)
Current Mood: Glad it's about to rain, we could use it.
Last Meal: Boysenberry yogurt & Granola
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Fish In The Sky?
Take a look toward the top left-hand corner of the image above, which I took about 10 minutes ago of the current weather in Flagstaff, Arizona. Is that what I think it is? Is that a fish?
Click on the image and view the 2048 X 1546 pixel picture enlargement and make a decision for yourself. It's really weird.
Actual Size Enlargement
(If you have the latest version of Internet Explorer, hover over the picture in the new window that pops up and wait for an icon to show up at the bottom right corner of the picture. Then click on that icon and watch the picture enlarge to actual size).
I'm stummped! Could it be a bird at such an angle that it only looks like a fish?
I was only taking pictures of the beginning of monsoon season here in Northern Arizona and caught that "fish" in the picture in the process.
Strange things are a-foot in Flagstaff, Arizona!

Yeah! I Love Monsoon Season
This is the coolest time of the year in Northern Arizona, literally and figuratively. Well, it's not colder than when it snows here in winter, but when you compare the temperature difference during the day during monsoon season, it's definitely cooler.

Looks Bad, Heh?
The photograph of Flagstaff, Arizona above is the first real monsoon of the 2004 season building up speed to make its attack. Slowly but surely, the winds will pick up, the skies will blend together into a white-grey and it will start to rain.

The Monsoon Strikes
If you'll notice in the image above the trees are hit by strong winds (compared to the picture above it), the clouds have blended together and become a greyish color. The temperature has dropped considerably and it's become really loud outside from the leaves of all the trees in the area whisping in the wind.
The Background Scene
If you stop and look at the distant background toward the bottom middle of the photograph above, you'll see how calm and fairly clear it is about 20 miles out from Flagstaff, AZ. Patchy clouds and plenty of sun. Pretty cool, huh? Enlarge the image and check it out for yourself.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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