Loungin' Around

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 12:59 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Watching "Awesomly Bad Videos" on VH1
Weather At Posting: 70 F - 21 C - Partly cloudy and breezy
Current Mood: Chilin'
Last Meal: Lemon chicken and rice, chocolate bar
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The Star Of The Show
This is the star of the whole cinder pit experience that day...with Jason sitting on it and Brian hangin' out in the background with that ever-present scoul on his face wondering "why are you taking another picture?"
Notice under Jason's thigh the silhoutte of his sister as a sticker. We all love Jason's sister.
(Jason doesn't have a sister).

More Spidey Antics
(Jason) "Brian, you realize that hurts, right?"
(Brian) "I don't feel anything."
(Jason) "Just hurry up you punk-ass, whipper-snappin' OUCH!"
(Brian) "Stop your bichin' and grow a dick, you little...UHHHHHH! What's that white stuff?"
Just Chillin' Today
I woke up this morning after 11 a.m. That's something I haven't done since living at the dorms! I just feel like lounging around all day. I was going to do laundry today, but I just don't want to. We'll see what happens.
Great Parking Job, Brian
Take one good look at Jason's truck next to that volvo...whadda ya say, about an inch and half, maybe two inches? Brian, you punk! I would've cracked his skull if he would've dented the volvo.
Hoobastank's Comin' To Arizona
One of my top five favorite band's is coming to town and I won't be able to go, unless I wanna go to work (at 5 a.m.) VERY tired. Driving and being really tired don't mix very well. They mix as well as wind and fire.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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