Flagstaff Cinder Pits - Quadin'

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 4:20 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: A Perfect Circle - "Weak And Powerless" (cool song)
Weather At Posting: 75 F - 24 C and clear w/gusty winds
Current Mood: Feelin' great!
Last Meal: Free pepperoni and mushroom strombolli from Villa Pizza in Prescott mall
Note To Self: Gotta ride my bike today
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Jason At His Best
The image above is of a friend on his quad headed to the top of a lava cinder hill in Flagstaff, AZ. Does he make it to the top? Check out the next picture to find out what Jason's fate is.
By The Way...
Just try to ignore the back of Ken's big head in this picture, if you would.

Will He Make It?
At this point Jason's down shifting in his attempt to make it to the top of this hill. The Hill is steeper than this picture lets on. Stay tuned to find out if Jason eats it or if he returns triumphant before his cheering friends (Ken, Brian and me).
If you'll notice in the picture above, the red dot is where I stalled the quad cause I was too concerned with where I was going to turn around without flipping over. As a result, I didn't down shift in time and stalled the quad.
The yellow line/circle is where Jason is at that point.

The Triumphant Return
Despite the hazardous moguls at the base of the hill which help to slow any attemp to climb the hill at high speeds, regardless of the angle of the climb itself and in spite of all the odds against him (of which there were few ;) Jason conquers the hill!
Congratulations to the champ!
Determined, I Am
During our next adventure to the cinder pits of Flagstaff, AZ, I WILL conquer that hill if it's the last thing Jason's quad ever does, dammit! Mark my words.
Note to Jason regarding quad: Jus' messin' :)

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
NOTE: Use "ARCHIVES" on right panel for previous postings

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