Memorial Day Festivities

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 7:57 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Watching "Modern Marvels" on the "History Channel"
Weather At Posting: 72 F hazy and calm
Current Mood: Kinda frustrated
Last Meal: Pollo A La Crema (grilled chicken, green bells, mushrooms and onions all sauteed in a mexican sour cream garlic sauce), chips, salsa, rice and beans.
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Peak Produce/Flagstaff Farmer's Market Bar-B-Que
Above is a picture of a few of the people at the beginning of the little fiesta we had at work on Monday. Ken and I showed up about 50 minutes after it was scheduled to start and we were number third and forth people to show up. It was about fifteen minutes later that every one else showed up.
Manuel Shows Up
After everyone had gorged themselves with the munchies provided, Manuel shows up with the chicken, Mexican rice, bread and salsa! We all looked at each other and laughed to ourselves. Most of us ate some of what he brought despite we were so full because we felt bad he went to so much trouble.

George Takes Control
At the que is the boss himself, George, making sure everyone leaves the fiesta full with the following as options:
One Of My Pet Pieves
One of the things I dislike the most in life is what I call that "Thanksgiving" feeling. You know, when you eat so much you can barely move. I walked away from that Bar-B-Que miserable, I was so full. I didn't eat another thing until today at 6 p.m. when a friend and I went to a local mexican restaurant.

Above are Kim and Jorie, but others in the pictures include George, Jill, Spidey (Brian Y.), Ken, Stephanie, Ben, the New Brian (Jorie's replacement), J.D., J.D.'s wife, Fernando, "Big J" (Young Jason), "Tiny" (Manager Jason), Manuel, Martin, and Martin's daughter.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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