Lost In My Interpretation

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 1:23 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Trust Company - "Another Side Of Me"
Weather At Posting: 70 F Clear w/a light breeze
Current Mood: Philosophical
Last Meal: Triscuits, ham, plenty of water and an orange
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The Same Ol' Shot With A Twist
The image above is another "Outstanding Amature Photography" award winner from Picture.com that I'm proud I took late last year. There are thousands, if not millions of pictures of the Grand Canyon and I wanted the same shot but a little different. Then, I stumbled across this tree with a really weird branch that reminded me of someone spreading their index finger and thumb to describe something. Then I noticed the pyramid shaped hill in the background and snapped the picture.
The Grand Canyon Forest
I took several shots of this scene and then decided to add a border around the scene. That's when I decided that most people who have never been to the Grand Canyon probably don't know that it's a dense forest leading up to the edge of the canyon. This picture helps to make people aware that the Grand Canyon village area is surrounded by Ponderosa and other pine, regular and blue spruce, cedar, aspen and juniper trees everywhere...and I'm sure there are many other types of trees that I'm not listing, but those I know.
Fractals In The Branch
If you know anything about fractals and how they work, check out the branch I call "the fingers" and notice the fractal pattern it creates naturally...just a thought.
Current Music: Sixpense None The Richer - "Don't Dream It's Over"

Lost In My Interpretation
I just watched "Lost In Translation," the movie written, directed and co-produced by Sofia Coppola. I wanted to see the movie so many critics hailed as "Great." It was definitely entertaining, but not a movie for younger generations...yet. They're too young, dumb and high strung for such a philosophical comedy, although I'm sure there are many exceptions amoung our youth today who would actually enjoy it.
My Tag Line For The Movie
The movie had one line that sticks with me. The line is: "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you." That line sure makes one think, I think anyway.
Figure It Out
Who are you? What do you like, really? That's for you to know and for us to experience. (Suggestion, don't be anyone else but yourself)

Think About It
I like the picture above cause it's a great shot of a friend thinkin' hard. I have to admit, Jarod flippin' me off with his pinky instead of his middle finger (cause it was not available at the time) adds to me likin' it.
Lost In Translation
The movie makes you think as you travel with the two main characters' experiences in a foreign country where everything's SO different and strange. I can't help but think about times when I felt so alone wanting someone to find me too. Those periods of just thinking, and thinking, and not getting much sleep.
My Interpretation Of Me And You
I've found out a lot about myself and think I know who I am and what I want. I don't think any one person can know everything about themselves or what they want cause we're all stuck inside a bubble we can't get out of. We're in a fish bowl looking out of our bodies and are clueless to a lot of what we do and say, despite we're doing it and saying it. That's my interpretation anyway.
Similar But Different
I speak for you cause I speak about the human race in general, everyone, including you and me. We are all in the same capsule within individual capsules.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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