Thinkin' About You Mom

Click here to view the complete monsoon image seen above.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 11:36 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Limp Bizkit - "The One"
Weather At Posting: 66 F Sunny w/patchy clouds and breezy
Current Mood: Good+
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Just Thinkin' And Remembering
I'm getting better about dealing with the loss of my mom. I still think about her every day though. I was cruisin' my hard-drive and found this picture of two of my brothers and respective family members the day after my mom died.
I left the incredible beauty and clean air of Flagstaff, AZ and took a trip to California, for obvious reasons. Two of my brothers and I did the necessary funeral arrangement thang the next day, April 30, 2004. The picture below is the lunch we had after doing all that stuff. Boy, was that a rough day for us! The three of us just wanted to be together. It's too bad our forth brother was not available to attend that lunch.

Above: In the image are Glenn, Brenden, Drew, Peter, Phil and Sandra.
Below: This is the front of Phil's home about 1 - 2 hours before sunset. It's a really nice place. You did well with that place, Phil.

Images In The Future
I will continue to offer more and more images as time passes.
Called By Chance
Get a load of this: I go into work today and do the normal thing to take dry goods (trail mix's, dried fruit, chocolate products, etc.) to the Grand Canyon area. I load the truck (see image below) with the pallets, gather necessary tools (price gun, hole puncher, etc.) and decide to call to find out if the biggest company we deliver to is done with inventory so I can bring a back stock of salsa. The general manager gets on the phone and says, "you're not coming are you?" "Well yes, it's Wednesday" I respond. "We're still doing inventory and you'll just end up turning back around cause we can't let anyone stock while this is happening.
That Would Have Been Good To Know
I'm so glad I called for several reasons! One, if I had gone, I would've wasted three or more hours (round trip) on the clock; two, I would've taken the product back up on MY DAY OFF so the other scheduled deliveries on different days would not have suffered; and three, saved some major pissed-off time.

I'm Proud To Say I Took That Picture
The image above of the Peak Produce truck is the one I took in October 2003 for the company calendar that was to be passed out to all clients. That day was unique in that I was doing the Sedona/Cottonwood/Rim Rock/Camp Verde run, by chance, and scattered thunderstorms were passing through all day long.
I just happen to find this spot in Oak Creek Canyon that lent itself to me safely parking out of the way so I could take gratuitous pictures of the truck within a killer landscape and interesting weather too. The great thing is that the truck is brightly lit in sunshine and the background is suffering from scattered inclimate weather. There are dark threatening spots and clear and beautiful spots in the background. Because of that, the cool red-rocks are exposed enough to give the viewer a glimpse of Sedona's beauty and yet an idea of how threatening the weather can be.
Perfect timing is what I call that.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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