The New BlogSta

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 10:20 p.m. Pacific Time
Current music: Linkin Park - "Somewhere I Belong"
Weather At Posting: Freezin' my nads at 43 F
Current Mood: Feisty, but tired
Random Thought: Need to add more pictures
Random Trivia: Did you know that Arizona does not recognize Daylight Savings Time?
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Blog Mania
I've been checkin' out other blogs and have come to realize that this is far more popular than I ever expected. Some people have some really interesting sites with really interesting things to say. For instance, one guy who lives in the town I used to live in has some really cool things to add to his site: He calls his site Excursive.
Below: Just a random picture for your viewing pleasure that I took in October 2003 while at work one morning at 5 a.m. This picture won a "Outstanding Amature Photography Award" from

I'm no bloomin' "Blogger!"
I've decided I'm not a "blogger," but instead a "blogsta" because I refuse to conform to the norm. So I figure creating something new is about the right thing to do. I've taken a portion of the word "Blog" from "WeBlog" and "Sta" from "GangSta," although I have no desire to break the law intentionally. It adds a rough edge, or at least it sounds that way, anyway.
Random Thought: I hate cleaning my apartment!
Death is part of life
I got a call from my twin brother in La Verne California telling me my mom's death certificate has been mailed. What a downer, ya know?
Props to Vince Rios!
Vince Rios convinced me to start a Blog and become a BlogSta and I've decided to publicly thank him cause I like this whole Bloggin thang. The counselor fromt the hospice which my mom spent her last few days thought writing my thoughts down would be a positive thing in my mourning process, and I have to agree whole-heartedly! Thank you Vince!
Random Thought: I should eat.
Current music: Sheryl Crow - "The First Cut's The Deepest"
I Agree!
The first cut is most certainly the deepest! Do you remember that first love that ended so dramatically? I thought for sure my world as I knew it was over...until I met my next.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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