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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 5:55 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Finger 11 - "One Thing"
Weather At Posting: Clear skys, warm around 65 F
Current Mood: Alive and kickin' - active
Random Thought: I wish I had some thin mints!
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Beauty Sleep
Plenty of sleep sure makes a person feel better, don't you agree? More than twelve hours of precious sleep two nights ago and more than ten last night has put me in a higher state of activity. I actually threw away my trash this morning (all four cans piled over the tops) and am cleaing up the place. It's chaos around here!
Below: Beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona and the San Francisco Peaks in February 2004. This photograph, which I'm proud to say I took, is the image on my computer desktop.

A Jont Around Town
Anyway, I plan on riding my bike around town today, going to the bank just to look at my account balance (which grew last night because of the payday deposit :) and will probably have breakfast at one of my favorite little holes in the wall called Martan's, a killer little mexican restaurant in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona. Of course chatin' with the beautiful Gretchen and her sister Ann, who both work there (owner's daughters), play a part in why I go there in the first place.
Below: See the white Nissan Maxima turning right in the foreground of the picture below? That's right where Martan's is located on San Francisco Street (you're looking North toward the Peaks).

There's Blood In My Veins Again!
I'm feeling more alive today than any other day in the last two weeks! Before, I was struggling to find "Somewhere I Belong," but now I don't feel as "Numb" as I did before. It appears as though I've begun the process of "Breaking The Habit." The habit being: isolating myself in my room in mourning, I guess. I'm not so sure what I was or wasn't doing and why.
Elevation 7000 Feet
I'm looking forward to today's bike (bicycle) riding "Session" so I can get out and breath the clean 7000 foot air made available here in beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona which is nestled in the middle of the world's largest Ponderosa Pine forest. I'll be riding in among the squirrels, deer and elk where "Nobody's Listening" to any of my personal rants or raves as I peddle furiously to my destination (which will be where ever I feel like going at the moment). It's my day off, so I'll be drifting in the wind today.
Just Me And My Thoughts
All thoughts flowing "From The Inside" without hesitation and interuption. I find a great peace just riding my bike around town. The benefits of riding my bike around town always help the waistline too, and God knows I could stand to loose 5 more pounds. I feel so great when I'm in good shape, trim that is.
Bad Memories On My Bike With Ken
I just hope I don't run into Ken (a friend) again, literally. About six weeks ago now, Ken crossed my path while in front of me and took my front tire with him and I "Hit The Floor." We were going about 15 - 20 MPH when he suddenly turned and needless-to-say I flew forward over the handle bars as my bike went off to the right. The car behind me supposedly almost hit me, but I wasn't paying attention at the time. I landed on my left wrist, elbow and side, then rolled over my left shoulder and neck and tumbled a few times. The first thing I said when I got up was "Son of a b!+@# at the top of my lungs.
The corner in Flagstaff where I "Hit The Floor" is in the picture below, right in front of that pink church. Cool architecture, huh?

The Damage
I suffered a spranged left elbow, a spranged left wrist, killer road rash on my left knee cap and pain raidiating from my left shoulder and side. "Don't Stay!" I yelled to Ken cause "I just wanna beat the crap out of you right now." I was pissed. I walked in circles at the corner of Birch and Beaver in front of the Pink Church for a while from what I understand...do you blame me?
Interestingly enough, Ken and I were going to Martan's, for breakfast that morning, now that I think about it. By the way, Martan's, is just North of the world famous Route 66 on San Francisco in the heart of downtown Flagstaff, AZ. By the way, it's not ironic, but coincidental. See more about the difference between irony and coincidence at this link: The true definition of IRONY.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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