Monday, May 17, 2004

Campin' Pix - I Won The War!

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 6:23 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: U2 - "Where The Streets Have No Name"
Weather At Posting: 66 F Patchy Clouds, Breezy
Current Mood: Good, but a little tired
Random Thought: Just realized today I've had my bike for more than 6 years now.
Random Trivia: Did you know people with diabetes run a higher risk of getting alzheimer's?

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My Bar-B-Que Gets To Stay
In yesterday's post I mentioned the ASSt. manager of the apartment complex insisted I get rid of my bar-b-que cause it was an "eyesore," but I have since talked to the manager who has allowed me to keep my que, but just store it in another place. I consider that a win...Yeah!


Kim ("Beautiful," as I call her)

I Love You Kim!
Kim, from work, brought in one of my favorites today...brownies with chocolate chips and chocolate chunks! They were still warm and gooey when she got there, and they were great. Every body snatched 'em up within minutes, they were that good. Such a treat made an 11 hour day more tolerable. Above: Isn't Kim beautiful?

Of course I love her for more than just the brownies...I'm not that shallow. She's beautiful, she has a great personality (feisty) and is fun to hang out with. She even likes to camp fairly rugged, and for a girl, that's incredible. The image below is a picture from the last camping trip I went with her and her brother...and Ken.

Current Music: Linkin Park - "Crawling" (I really want to see them in concert!)


"The Camping Crew"

Above: A spontaneous picture of Kim, Brian and Ken while we were camping in Camp Verde, AZ. Kim's making a statement, Brian's (Spidey) carving a knife out of cottonwood he found in the area and Ken's posin' as normal. :) Killer Jeep huh? It's Kim's. The "station wagon," as the local police call it (The Suburban) is Ken's.

Fun With It's Moments
We had a good time that trip, but Kim and Spidey (brother and sister) had a little spat just before this picture was taken. Needless to say, it was a little awkward for me and Ken, but we all survived, barely.


"Aimin' For The Camera"

Above: Spidey and Ken trying to hit the camera with the marshmellow gun. Slackers couldn't even get the job done :) - Jus' messin'

Below: We got to a point in the day while camping to where we decided to raft down the mini-rapids, and I mean mini. Kim was the first brave soul to volunteer--lady's first. Spidey was a good brother and helped her board the craft. Good job Brian!

Kali, Kim's dog, was just trying to relate to what was going on. I love Kali, she's so cool. Good dog to have around. She's playful and fun all the time.


"Boarding The Craft" - Ken, Brian, Kim and Kali in action

Shoulda Just Jumped In
Kim got as wet as you could get without actually jumping into the water during this whole ordeal. Ken later did the same thing and the next day got a really sore throat and didn't feel well overall. He drove his Suburban home to Flagstaff with the windows open with wet clothes. Gee, I wonder why he got sick?

Current Music: Chemical Brothers - "Mission Impossible Theme"
Random Thought: Killer sunset's happening. I think I'll capture it on digital camera for posterity.


"Killer Sunset On May 17, 2004"

Delivering On My Promise
Above: As promised, this is tonight's sunset. Pretty cool, huh? I can't decide whether I like sunrise, which I see almost every day cause I work so early, or sunsets. I suppose when you really think about it, they're virtually the same, just opposite. Hmmm. Anyway, back to the task at hand...discussing the camping trip.


"Kali Chasin' Kim Down The Mini-Rapids"

Above: Kim's a girl that's definitely different from a lot of girls I know. She enjoys camping, I can't believe it! Look at her, there are so many girls that wouldn't come close to considering going down the water in such a raft. She's not affraid to get her hair wet or get dirt under her fingernails...although she admits she doesn't like that. But at least she's willing to have some fun, ya know?

An up-to-the-minute image of the Flagstaff, Arizona area through this webcam

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.

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