Saving The World

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 11:53 a.m. Pacific Time
Current music: Ataris - "Boys Of Summer"
Weather At Posting: 64 F sunny and warm
Current Mood: Mellow and philosophical
Random Thought: Time was an invention of man to structure life
Random Trivia: Did you know that Arizona has more forest land than does the state of Minnesota?
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"The Core"
I just finished watching a movie titled "The Core." Secretly I love these types of movies despite some of their chessy acting and impossible scenerios. I wait for their feeble attempts to appease the audience with random off-the-wall statements designed to squelch any questions that might arise from impossible situations, events and things.

Only In Hollywood
For example, the characters walk out of their terra-craft (space craft for inner Earth travel) wearing suits similar to those in "Mission To Mars" made of a "newly introduced material" that will protect them from up to 4000 degrees F, and the material is slightly thicker than tin foil! :) Gotta love it! I'm not sure how these thicker-than-tin-foil suits protect the terra-naughts (astronaughts for inner Earth travel) from the crushing pressures that far into the core of the Earth, but it's an amazing new technology, that's for sure!
Saving Grace - Audience Appeased
Fortunately though, any questions about how the terra-naughts can be protected from the scorching heat from the inner core is broght to a halt by a simple statement made by one of the characters: "Thank God these new suits will protect us from the heat." The material is never discussed, the technology is never revealed and they leave it at that. It worked, heh? Props to Hollyweird.
Don't Get Me Wrong
I actually enjoyed the movie. It was gripping at points, the acting was better than most in the same category and it was interesting. I learned a little more about the Earth and how it works, for instance, I didn't know the Earth's core was most likely solid metal and that hot molten magma circled the metal core. It is this motion around the metal core that creates magnetism. I was actually facinated with that sort of information.

Above: Is a picture from inside looking out the ancient Indian cave in Clarkdale, Arizona. The scene out the man-made cave is the Verde Valley looking toward Sedona, Arizona. We had gone camping for the weekend to ride a quad around, swim, fish and have fun. The ground below is roughly 400 - 600 feet away. It was a VERY steep climb on a hot day.
Below: A picture of the ancient Indian cave in Clarkdale Arizona from about 3/4 of the way up to the cave. There is still 3/4 of the climb behind me in this picture, it was that far up to the cave. The temperature in the area that day was in the upper 80's lower 90's. It was considerably cooler in that cave. We stayed up there for about 1 1/2 hours. We entertained ourselves by aiming for the birds that kept taunting us, of which there were a lot. Sunday April 24, 2004.

Current Music: Everlast - "What It's Like"
Current Mood: Getting antsy - need to move around
Bing! An Idea Is Born
I should write a script/story for a movie about a cataclysmic physical event that changes the Earth as we know it, but is saved by the bumbling attempts of the local neighborhood dork who is quick to notice a pattern change. Of course, the dork gets the girls (plural) at the end, saves countless lives world-wide and is set for life after that because of the global recognition he receives as a result.
There will most certainly have to be plenty of explosions, a couple great car chases, several talented and great looking characters dying for the cause, a few conflicts and a brief gratuitous sex scene to quench the inner beast driven by instinct in all of us. Whadda ya think? Oscar material or what?
Day Off
Because it's my day off, I need to get the following done:
* Laundry
* Dishes
* Unpack car from California run last week
* Order new muffler for car
* Finish dishes from over a week ago
* Take a bike ride for sanity purposes
Suggestion Of The Day: Light the fuse, then run!
OK, I Admit, I Did It
I finally broke down and bought myself two new shirts last night after class--on sale no less. I despise shopping cause everytime I go to the mall or the like, I want everything. As a result I get all bummed out knowing I can't have the world and all that inhabits the blue planet. Dammit!
Is anyone out there a doctor? I have this rash...well, nevermind. :) Jus' messin'
Time to cruise Flagstaff Arizona, again.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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