Lisa's Online Again

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 7:24 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: David Gray - "Babylon"
Weather At Posting: 48 F cloudy w/a slight breeze
Current Mood: Waking up
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Sister-In-Law Is Back Online
Lisa is now online again, after about a year of not having access to the Internet. They have set up an account at home now and I just received my first email from them, out there in West Virginia.

I Miss That Part Of The Family
It's been a while since I saw Lisa and the kids. The last time I saw Dayne and Jared was back in late 1997 or early 1998. Chelsea was just born, Jared was about 2 years old and Dayne was 4 or 5 years old. I left cause I had to transfer to Northern Arizona University from West Virginia University because it was just too expensive for me (non-resident). Look at them now, they're much bigger, and that was a few years ago!

Boy Do I Miss That Place!
The image above is taken from Lisa's mother's place looking toward her uncle Tommy's house one fall day. Me, Craig and Jimmy went hunting in the woods just to the left of the house there one early morning. I didn't last long that trip cause I had the runs that morning and ticked off Jimmy cause I couldn't stand still. I don't blame him, I was a nightmare for a hunter that morning.

A Call From Kansas City
Jarod Sears finally called me last night from Kansas City, MO on Sunday night. I haven't spoken to him since he left Cornville, AZ for Kansas City, MO last November. He was sure in a bad place back then. He was really fighting physical problems, some other problems and was on the virge (sp?) of crumbling.
Better Off Now
Jarod's voice Sunday night projected confidence, better health and a happiness I don't think I'd ever heard before from Jarod. It was realy cool to hear him in that state. I'm really glad he's doing better now and in a much better place (in life, because I'm not so sure Kansas City is a place he'd choose to stay).

Jarod's Back On His Feet
This shot (above) is Jarod doing one of the things he loves best, although this particular picture doesn't really exemplify his best...hehehe :) I love this picture cause Jarod looks so pissed at me taking a shot of him down.
Jarod, we all know you skate well, I just had to take a picture of a rare scene for posterity, that's all--yeah, that's it. :)
Anyway, I thought this picture was somewhat appropriate to the situation because this picture represented him before, and now he's back on his feet. I hope the best for you Jarod! I also miss havin' you around to hang out with (he used to be a roommate).

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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