My Best Friend's Girl

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 9:19 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Watching Comedy Central
Weather At Posting: 61 F Clear w/20-30 mph winds
Current Mood: Trying to wake up. Didn't get much sleep last night
Random Thought: Need...more...sleep
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"More Than A Miracle"
I stayed up till 3 a.m. watching a 1967 film that was difficult to keep watching. It starred Sofia Loren (incredible beauty and body) and Omar Sharif (George Clooney look-alike). The primary reason I lasted through most of the movie was because of Sofia Loren. Wow! She reminds me of one of my best friend's wife, who I was in love with before they got married.
A Little Green
Some of the movie's transitions were really rough. The music was...unique, but overall, it was entertaining enough to watch once. Below is a picture of the original movie but is the Argentine poster, so it's in spanish.

Now Take A Look At These Pictures Of My Friend's Wife
Below is a picture of my friend's wife Casey around 2001 when they got married. Doesn't she look a lot like Sofia Loren? I most definitely think so, and actually, I think she's more beautiful than Sofia. I don't know Sofia Loren personally, but I think it would be hard to match or even beat Casey's personality too.

Gabe's Beautiful Wife - Angel
The one thing about Casey that stands out as even better than Sofia Loren is that Casey also has slightly curly locks. I just hope that I find a girl as beautiful as Casey and one with a temperment and personality like hers too. If only I were that lucky.
Gabe, my favorite friend, most definitely scored when he snapped her up for his wife. Gabe, if you ever read this, I'm jealous forever!

Thank You For The Pose!
Casey was gracious enough to stop and pose for both these pictures. Personally, the top picture of Casey is my favorite, but the second one is great too because there are two beautiful women in the shot.
That wedding day was really hard for me because I lost all hope of winning her heart that day. Little does Gabe know that I was madly in love with Casey...maybe he knew, I don't know. Anyway, I wish them and their two kids the best.
I love you guys!

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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