Some Thoughts About Pain

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time At Posting: 9:02 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Crowded House - "Don't Dream It's Over"
Weather At Posting: 48 F Clear w/gusty winds
Current Mood: Reminiscent

Thoughts At A High Price
The following are some thoughts I jotted down after a friend died by his own hand...the stupid jerk! I still miss him.
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In The Midst Of Pain
By: C. Zach Hidalgo
December 31, 2000
In memory of:
David "Scott" Deere
Don’t let life pass you by where you’ll look back wondering what happened and how you missed out on everything while being there.
In the midst of pain, I hope you’ll take the time to look outside your situation and allow for a sound decision to be made based on good judgment.
Having suffered, I hope you stop and think about the times that counter your present circumstances.
Don’t be afraid to be weak because there will be times where you certainly are.
Don’t be afraid to be strong either, because you’ll need to draw from that strength many times through out life.
I hope you never settle for the path of least resistance, for quantity usually takes second place to quality in our brief walk through time.
I trust you’ll hope for a time when you can once again place a smile before laughter and swim in an ocean of joy.
May you have what many people worldwide do not have: The freedom to take life by the reins and ride off into the sunset.
I hope you still feel small when you stand before the awesome vastness of an incredible world around you.
Consider what you’ll be thinking as you turn your hundredth year on Earth as you're surrounded by your entire family and friends.
I hope you make the decision to seize the day while you still have it, and while you can still make something productive (or constructive) from what it has to offer.
Let the world around you sound its message of possibility for all creatures large and small.
Let the light of each day shine on your face a brand new message of hope with every step you take toward the future.
Allow for faith to distance you from those that plot to steal your dreams.
I hope you never lose the sense of wonder we can access at any time.
Pursue the love of family and friends with the understanding that it’s required from you first.
Living might mean taking chances, but it’s better to err trying than never trying at all.
Promise me that you’ll give yourself a chance. I think you’re worth it and I’m convinced there are others who agree.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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