Tom Foolery

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 12:12 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Eagles - "Hotel California"
Weather At Posting: 48 F - Clear w/a slight breeze
Current Mood: Even more tired
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Watched The Movie
I was kinda surprised that this movie was so much like "The Core," "Meteor," and "Deep Impact." Maybe I shouldn't have been, heh? It was basically the same story, but a different way the world almost comes to an end.
Climatalogical Catastrophe
In this scenerio, the world's weather patterns change and things are not the same as before. The United States and parts of Europe are now in a new ice age due to global warming (you have to see the movie to understand that contradiction).
Cookie-Cutter WritingOverall, it's a movie worth seeing at least once, ya know? Yes, the hero, or his son anyway, gets the girl at the end. As all the others the world is saved by a (divorced) man who is misunderstood by most people and somehow defies the worst of odds. Your basic "end of the world" movie.

Koon, The Three Legged CatI love this picture cause the real cat, Koon, walked into the room (with its three legs) and tried desperately to pick up the scent of the card-board (c-b) cat but couldn't. Koon circled the cat a few times and finally grew a *!#$ and stepped up the the c-b cat to check it out.
Kiefer Freaks Out
Not seen in the photo above was Kiefer, the other family cat that prowled into the room and saw the fake cat. Gabe picked up Kiefer and gently forced him to check out the c-b cat and Kiefer FREAKED OUT! Poor Gabe wasn't too happy for several days cause of what Kiefer did to his arms and chest with his claws during that incident. Kiefer couldn't pick up the scent either and didn't want anything to do with the fake cat, it was classic.
Don't Try This At Home!
The picture above is of the card-board cat someone I know cut out and used to psych-out passing drivers. The funniest situation was when a driver stopped too late, hit the c-b cat and got out of the car to check it out. The girl-friend in the car was crying and the driver (guy) looked under the car and started laughing. He showed his girl the cat, closed the door and left with the cat.
The pranksters chased the car down the street yelling "Give us our cat back!" It was one of the funniest moments in my entire life. I don't think I have truly ever laughed so hard. I could barely breathe! You had to be there to see it all happening.
It is highly recommended you not stoop to such a level and risk the lives of innocent people! Should you be so stupid and do this yourself, DO NOT put the card-board (c-b) cat:
* on busy streets
* on streets where cars are moving too fast
* on hills where it's hard for cars to stop
* on a street with parked cars, light posts or other dangerous things
Safely place the c-b cat:
* on a street with limited traffic
* just after a stop sign where a car has come to a complete stop
* where a car is coming out of a turn and is traveling slow
Stay out of the road and expect to be ticketed or arrested if you practice such tom-foolery. The worst part is the cops will most likely take your priceless artwork away for evidence, assuming the passing drivers don't take it away first.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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