Friday, June 04, 2004

Mountain Lion In Flagstaff, Again!

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Time Of Posting: 10:16 a.m. Pacific Time
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"Flagstaff Arizona Mountain Lion"
May 2004 - Switzer Mesa area (behind Buffalo Park)


A friend (Jeff Schmelzle) took this picture of a mountain lion less than a block from his house in Flagstaff, AZ in early May 2004. It all started when Jeff's dog started barking like crazy and took off running down the street. By the time the Schmelzle's caught up to their dog, it was barking up a tree...where the mountain lion was resting away from the dog's bite.

A Rare Sight
Jeff called to tell me about the lion and quite frankly, I didn't quite believe him at first, cause mountain lion sightings in Flagstaff, AZ are rare, but when he brought the pictures over, I couldn't say anything else.

Mountain Lions Do It Too
There was another sighting recently, just last week in fact. The people who called the "noises" in to the local authorities said they heard a lion doing a lot of growling. As it turns out there were two mountain lions and they weren't up to anything dangerous other than natural activities...they were mating. Although, if you were to approach lions mating, I suspect that could be a dangerous situation for you.


"Close Up Of The Flagstaff Mountain Lion"

Wow! What A Cool Cat

This close up is awesome! She doesn't look scared at all. Then again, I don't know what they look like when they are scared, so I guess that was pretty ignorant of me, heh?

Dangerous Shots
Needless-to-say, Jeff was pretty far away when he took this picture with the family's new digital camera. He said when he saw the lion's ears go back and it start to growl, he decided to back off to take any pictures. He said he was about 40-50 feet away, just to be safe.

An up-to-the-minute image of the Flagstaff, Arizona area through this webcam

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.

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