The Hopi House

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 4:40 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Sublime - "Summertime"
Weather At Posting: 84 F Clear and breezy
Current Mood: Tired
Last Meal: Left-over Fettuccini Alfredo, Tricuits and Corn Nuts
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South Rim - Grand Canyon - November 28, 2003
A Mary Colter Design
The picture above is a stone building located at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The was originally designed by the famed Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter who modeled the building after a true Hopi pueblo which is located in Oraibi, Arizona.
Other Grand Canyon Mary Colter Designs
The Grand Canyon Village Hopi House is only one of several architectual designs by Mary Colter. She is widely remembered as the "Grand Canyon Architect" because of her dedication to authenticity in representing Native American designs in all her Grand Canyon projects.

Albert Einstein Visits The Hopi House
A great number of world-renown individuals have visited the Hopi House at the Grand Canyon Village. The photograph above protrays Albert Einstein in an authentic Native American headdress (although it's not Hopi but from the Plains Indian culture).

Sunset over Flagstaff, Arizona - October 27, 2003
Another Killer Sunset
I was sitting at my computer one night in late October 2003 when I looked outside and saw reds in the sky I don't see often. I ran to get my digital camera and snapped up about 10 pictures for posterity. It's a lot of pink in this shot, but killer none-the-less.

Friday June 4, 2004
"Bitch" On A Cruise
This is Ken Mac Court, the friend I refer to on occasion and thought I would introduce y'all to him. We were cruising last night and I thought I'd surprise him with this shot. We call each other "Bitch" regularly, so that's the reason for the reference in the title. He's cool with that cause he'll call me that anyway, so we're even.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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