Rompin' In The Woods

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 11:14 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: None, enjoying the crickets singin' outside
Weather At Posting: 55 F - 13 C - Clear w/a slight breeze
Current Mood: Just woke up, it's too hot in my room!
Last Meal: Shrimp tacos, rice, chips and tons of salsa
Note To Self: Get some sleep, you idiot!
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Gotta Love The Surroundings
I love this picture cause you get a good sense of what the scenery is out at the cinder pits in Flagstaff, AZ. Ponderosa pine trees everywhere, nothing but black lava cinders and usually clear skies.
Ken's playin' with his nose cause he got punched by yours truly for passin' gas in the car earlier...jus' messin'. I had to include this shot cause he looks so dorky doin' that. He'll pay me back for that one.

It Was Raining In This Picture
The rain I'm speaking of was not moisture in the air, but cinders coming down. Just after Jason passed me after I took this shot, it started to rain cinders. The flaps from the back wheels kicked up so much debris and because Jason was going so fast, I felt the effects of his passing.

No Justice In This Shot
This picture does little justice in representing how hard the moguls are on the body when taking them at high speeds on the quad. If you can see from the picture (when you click on it to enlarge) the trail of dust left behind Jason and the quad is consistently broken up, or not a straight line...well, that's cause of the moguls.
Things To Think About
Have you noticed how some people have no motivation at all? That is to say, they don't do much more than what is required of them, either at work or in life (to maintain the living standard they've achieved).
I'm baffled by those people. One of my friends tells me regularly about another of his friends (who I choose to despise) and how he is usually sitting in a chair at home watching TV when he goes over there. He has two kids and a wife, no job and lives with grandparents.
Reality Check
I just realized I'm judging, and who am I to judge, but I just hope I don't get into that rut or habit later in life, or even now.
Make "Better" Happen
I constantly try to think of ways to better my life and the lives of the people I love and enjoy to have around. THEN, I do what some people dread doing, and that is acting upon what I've thought of doing.
That Part's Critical
I think that was the key part of the phrase, "acting upon" what one thinks about, as long as it's moral, ethical and positive. We don't want people killing others or God knows what-else just because they thought about it, right?
Random Thought
I should write down some goals. I haven't done that in a while.
Why People Are Successful
Writing down your goals, both long-term (5 - 25 years down the road) and short-term goals (3 months to a couple years down the road), is the only common-denominator among truly successful people in all walks of life, no matter what you consider successful.
Challenge - Setting Goals
Try it. Write down your goals and post them where you can see them every day. Consider putting them up on the mirror (everyone's narcissistic to a degree), near a door knob, near the phone, etc. and then stop and check yourself out after a couple years. You should be in a considerably better place as a result, depending on how much you work at accomplishing your goals.
Small Steps
Nibble at doing what you want. You can't be expected to reach your goals within a few weeks, that's not realistic. Sometimes that actually happens, but that's the exception.
Just Do It!
Just look at your goals regularly and think of things you can do to get the wheels turning. Then, act! That's probably the one most difficult thing that stops people from achieving their goals, acting upon what they desire.
Give It Time And Be Patient
Expect to take a year or two to really see some results from what you're doing to reach your goal. Don't lose sight of your dreams.
Old Tasmanian Proberb...
"It is better to make a mistake trying, than not to try at all."
I was jus' messin' about it being an old Tasmanian proverb...but it's true none-the-less. Live life to the fullest, don't just sit there!

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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