Sites Of Interest in Flagstaff Arizona

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 4:19.m. Pacific Time (Got a minute?)
Current Tunes: Goo Goo Dolls - "Name"
Weather At Posting: 80 F - 27 C - Hazy w/a light breeze
Current Mood: Tired!
Last Meal: A breakfast burrito (with salsa) from Sonic and two chocolate chip cookies
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Across From The Museum Of Northern Arizona
Of "Cheers" Fame
Ted Danson, known for his role as the cocky ex-jock bar owner Sam Malone in the popular situation comedy "Cheers" lived in this home during most of his childhood.
Current Tunes: Blink 182 - "Feelin' This"

Flagstaff, Arizona
Mr. Danson's Workplace
Ted Danson's father held the prestigious position of curator for the Museum of Northern Arizona as Ted was growing up. The museum is located directly across the street from the house (pictured above) the Danson family called home.
Current Tunes: Shania Twain - "Forever And For Always"

Circa 1890's
Train Used For The Local Lumber Industry
This train is located on Fort Valley Road at the "Art Barn" close to Secrist school, South of North Quintana Drive and North of Meade Lane. It was instrumental in serving the local lumber industry in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Current Tunes: Hoobastank - "The Reason"

(Circa 1890's)
An Era Gone By
A reminder of when they still used a caboose, this original component of a standard train line sits today as an excellent example of what once was.
Three Times The Work
I worked three more hours than normal today cause it was three times busier today than an ordinary Sunday. I run the office I usually work for on Sunday's and Monday's cause the chief (manager) has Sunday and Monday's off.
Balling Out A Customer
One of the regular customers, a local restaurant and one of our largest accounts, called an order in two hours and fifteen minutes after we close (which is noon on Sundays) and expected to receive it today despite that fact.
When I found out I was pulling the (large) order and delivering it even though we were closed for the day, I was furious. So, as any other person who is fairly territorial with their free time would do, I thought up a way to explain what they did to our office (me in particular).
The Plan: Make It Hit Home
Once I got to the restaurant and unloaded all the product (fuming while doing it), I made a bee-line to the one in charge and told them the how I felt without being too much of an asshole.
The following conversation is what took place:
Zach (me): "What time does your restaurant close?"
Pin-head worker bee without a clue: "nine p.m."
Zach: "So, if someone came in at ten p.m. you wouldn't serve them, right?"
Pin-head worker bee without a clue: "Hell no!"
Zach: "So, you'll definitely understand what I'm about to say then. You see, we close at noon on Sundays and we don't deliver any product after that, just as you don't serve anyone after you close the kitchen. So, I can assume you won't expect any product delivered in the future when you call it in after noon, right?
Pin-head worker bee without a clue: "Yeah"
Zach: "Cool"
Making The Point
Hopefully that went as well as I expected it to. I know that was pretty dick of me, but I wanted to make sure they understood that for them to expect a delivery after we were closed was not reasonable, especially if they feel the same way when someone comes in after they close and expects to be served.
I walked away a happy camper after that one, and I'm convinced the point was made without endangering the account status for the company. You had to be there to really see how well it went.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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