The Eyes Over Flagstaff, AZ

Click here to view the complete monsoon image seen above.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 6:59 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Cold Play - "Clocks"
Weather At Posting: 75 F - 24 C - Patchy clouds w/a light breeze
Current Mood: Exhausted
Last Meal: chicken pesto pizza from Schlotsky's in Prescott, AZ
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Strange Things Are A-Foot Over Flagstaff, AZ
Pretty weird, heh? The shot above was taken over Flagstaff, Arizona while we were on our way up to Flagstaff from Cornville, AZ to see a movie. I happened to have my camera and took several shots, this being the most attractive or visually appealing.
Just A Fluke?
At first, for several years I thought that shot was one-in-a-trillion, but now I'm not so sure. Scroll down to see other shots over Flagstaff...of course it's just coincidental, but kinda spooky.
Current Tunes: Hoobastank - "To Be With You"

Black & White Shot?
I think not! This shot was taken about 7 a.m. just south of Flagstaff on I-17 late winter in 2003 and it is a color photograph, although you wouldn't really know it from most of the picture content, heh?
Not As Good As The Picture Above It
I have to admit, the picture is not as convincing an eye as the first picture, but none-the-less, you can still make out an eye to some degree...if you squint, have a few beers and load yourself up with some drugs. (Jus' messin')
Current Tunes: Don Henly - "End Of The Innocence"

(Looking North-East)
Double The Intrigue
Yikes! Not only is this the third picture I've taken over Flagstaff, AZ of what appears to be an eye in the clouds, but there are two distinct eyes in the same picture.
Common To The Area?
Taken on June 23, 2004, this picture is making me think that there are unique wind patterns over the area that create such phenomena. I have several other pictures where an eye is visible if you really look in the clouds.
Discovered Accidentally
I didn't notice the "eyes" in the clouds within the other pictures right off-the-bat until I was looking at a thumbnail (small versions of a picture) of the pictures (see below for a thumbnail).
Quiz Time
Do you see the eye in the clouds in the picturette below?

Just To Prepare You
The small picture above is designed to prepare you for the same picture below (the larger version) where it's more difficult to see the "eye" in the clouds.
Current Tunes: Finger 11 - "One Thing"

(Looking South-West)
You Gotta Squint
If you squint or cross your eyes, you can see the eye within the clouds of this sunset taken on the same day as the picture above it (looking North-West).
This is looking East That Same Day
In fact, the image above is from the same sunset but looking East as the picture above it. The wind was going North-West at the time which makes me think that the two "eyes" were created from the same "jet-stream" of air overhead, but that's me speaking out of ignorance, of course. I'm not a professional meteorologist (weather guy).

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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