Flagstaff From The Sky...Kinda

Click here to view the complete monsoon image seen above.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 8:21 a.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Switchfoot - "I Dare You To Move"
Weather At Posting: 64 F 18 C - Calm w/a clear blue sky
Current Mood: Tired!
Last Meal: ...gave me a bit of food poisoning--I had to use the bathroom several times, anyway. I won't say where I was for my last meal cause I like the place...plus the manager and I are friends. Yea, I'll eat there again.
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June 29, 2004
NAU As Seen From Lowell Observatory Area
Just outside the gates a-top "Mars Hill" at Lowell Observatory is this view looking South-east. The white dome you see is part of Northern Arizona University (NAU)--specifically the "J.L. Walkup" SkyDome, part of South campus.
The Tower just left of the dome is "Secrist Hall," part of central campus. The buildings at far left are part of North Campus, all nestled in the middle of the world's largest Ponderosa pine forest--Coconino National Forest.
Current Tunes: Simple Plan - "Perfect"

June 29, 2004
Flagstaff, AZ As Seen From Lowell Observatory Area
From this vantage point looking East from Mars Hill, you can see most of Flagstaff, Arizona except for NAU, which you already saw in the picture above this one.
The main drag in the center of the picture is the world famous Route 66 which stretches from Santa Monica, California to Chicago Illinois. The train tracks, which made Flagstaff, AZ what it is today, parallel Route 66 in most of this photograph.
There are approximately 85-100 trains that travel these tracks through the middle of Flagstaff, AZ daily...when you calculate the timing, that's one about every 15 minutes.
Just Another Eye Over Flagstaff, AZ
Did you notice the "Eye" watching over Flagstaff in the image above? I circled it for you, so you wouldn't miss it. This is the fifth picture I've taken from the local area where you could see an eye in the sky...pretty cool, heh?
Just another picture of what I'm beginning to call a phenomenon, "but that's just me, a rebel." ;) Check out the other eyes in the sky watching over Flagstaff, AZ I captured on film at this link.
Current Tunes: Hoobstank - "Remember Me"

June 29, 2004
The San Francisco Peaks As Seen From Lowell Observatory Area
Looking North toward the Peaks from Mars Hill (Lowell Observatory area) on a beautiful summer day. This shot is taken from the first turn heading down Mars Hill just after you leave the Lowell Observatory campus gates.

The Peaks Hwy 180 Mile Marker 220+
This is one of my favorite places to view the San Francisco peaks--between mile markers 220 and 221 on Hwy 180 about 5-6 miles North of Flagstaff, AZ.
I have a number of other shots of this view in winter, fall, during sunset and in storms. You can view those shots by clicking here. If you have any (decent) shots of Flagstaff and the peaks, please consider contacting me so we can arrange and email transfer of the images so they can be posted on the Net for all to appreciate.
Current Tunes: Linkin Park - "Somewhere I Belong"

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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