Hwy 179 Into Sedona, AZ

Click here to view the complete monsoon image seen above.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 7:05 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Jet - "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?"
Weather At Posting: 75 F 24 C - occasional monsoon action
Current Mood: Tired - worked another long day on 5 hours sleep
Last Meal: Orange chicken, friend rice drenched in soy sauce, hot sour soup and 1/4 pint chocolate, chocolate, chocolate ice cream...Mmmmmmm!
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Approaching Sedona, AZ
Once you leave Village Of Oak Creek heading North on Hwy 179, this is one of the many incredible scenes you see along the way into Sedona, Arizona.
Current Tunes: Yellow Card - "Only One"

Stunning Beauty Everywhere!
Sedona Arizona has to be one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to in the whole world...and I've been to Italy, Canada, Ecuador, Panama, Mexico and 33 of the 50 United States Of America (I like to travel). I'm glad I had to opportunity to work in Sedona, AZ for several years.
Current Tunes: Supercult - "Memory"

A Rare Scene Of A Most Famous Landmark
Cathedral Rock in Sedona, AZ is by-far the most photographed scene in the area, other than the Grand Canyon about 2 hours away. But this image (above) is the side you never see of that famous picture in magazines or coffee table photography books.
You can't see the middle "hoodoos," spires that jet out from the ground between the two larger rocks because they're blending into the rocks behind them. They're there, you just have to look hard because this picture is taken from an angle where it's difficult to see the "hoodoos."
Click here to see the famous side of Cathedral Rock.

Bell Rock's Actually In Village Of Oak Creek, AZ
I love the local legend about this rock/hill. Supposedly about 10-12 years ago (circa 1992) a bunch of space cadets (locals who believe they've been abducted by aliens, communicate with aliens regularly, etc.) and local guru types banded together when it was said that Bell Rock was actually a space ship for aliens or gods.
Some guru guy got a large number of people to believe that the "Mother Ship," Bell Rock, was to make a scene as it left Earth for another plane or planet and would deliver (take with) all those who believed and were there the day of lift-off.
On the day of the alleged "Lift Off," exact date unknown, the "Bell Rock" groupies held hands all around the space ship that was said to be inside Bell Rock. The believers chanted, sang songs and prayed as they waited for the "Mother Ship" to make it's great exit from Earth.
Needless-to-say, the rock is still in place and there was never a grand exit of any great space ship taking all it's devoted followers to a better place in the universe.
Can anyone say "Jim Jones" and "Grape Kool-Aid?" Humans really are sheep that follow anything or anyone that's willing to lead. Scary huh?
Current Tunes: 311 - "Love Song"

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.
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