Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Mercy Fall (the band) Gets Two More Offers!

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Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 5:19 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Music: Counting Crows - "Round Here"
Weather At Posting: 73 F w/gusty winds
Current Mood: Feelin' much better
Last Meal: Pizza w/jalapeno & cheese
Random Info: In the unlikely event that someone out there in the vastness of the Internet cares, I was out sick with a cold for the last few days...that's why I'm "feeling better."

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"The Guys Of Mercy Fall"

Three Record Companies Vie For Mercyfall

Yes, it's true, Ethan Rea's band "Mercy Fall," originally from Flagstaff, Arizona is being pursued by three major record lables including Atlantic Records, Warner Brothers and Columbia Records. Ethan Rea is a guy I met while working at a local lumber yard/hardware store.

Killer Music From Mercy Fall
Just last week the band members found out that not only is Atlantic Records interested in their band but two other record companies are willing to negotiate a deal. That alone speaks volumes for the quality of music the band produces.

Look For Them In Your Record Store Soon!
I'm beginning to suspect these four guys will take the music scene by storm, if what the record companies believe about the band is true. With that sort of competition (three major music lables considering signing them), the band should end up with a killer deal, and that's not something every band is faced with at signing.

Congratulations again Ethan! I look forward to hearing your band's music on the radio soon.


"The Hidalgo Family Coat-Of-Arms"

I'm a "Son Of Something," but most people I know already knew that

My last name, Hidalgo, or "Hijo De Algo" translated into english literally means "Son Of Something." Originally A name of nobility in Spain, the surname is also now prominant in the Latin American countries, especially in Mexico where there is a State, countless cities, counties, lakes, mountains and regions using the name.

Current Music: Shania Twain - "Forever And For Always"

Hidalgo The Movie
Of course now there's a Disney movie titled "Hidalgo" that has recently hit the theaters in the United States. Personally, I thought it was OK...it was worth seeing once. I will buy the DVD only because the title is my last name...I think anyone else would do the same.

Fame At The Box Office
The day I went to see the movie, my birthday--April 15th--I got to the window and the teen-ager assisting me asked for my driver's license to verify the Visa card I was using to purchase my ticket was mine. He took one look at the surname on the card and quickly looked up at me. "Is Hidalgo really your last name?" he asked with his loudest voice. "Yeah" I answered quietly. Then he turned to all his colleagues in the booth and announced that he was helping a "Hidalgo" at the moment.

"Remembered Forever"
Then the kid stated that I will always be remembered by all who work at the theater (Harkins 11 in Flagstaff, AZ) from that day forward if he had anything to do with it. I made a permanent friend that day, although I have to say I wouldn't be able to point him out today if my life depended on it. Sorry kid.

The whole situation at the box office was embarassing but...a little fun, I have to admit.

Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico's George Washington or Abraham Lincoln equivalent is known as Miguel Hidalgo, a Catholic priest who is recognized as the one person mainly responsible for Mexico's independence from Spain's rule.

To learn more about the surname "Hidalgo," please visit the following website address by clicking here.

Current Music: Oasis - "Wonderwall"

An up-to-the-minute image of the Flagstaff, Arizona area through this webcam

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.

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