The Price Of Christmas 2004
How Much Will X-Mas Cost This Year?
Every year the cost of Christmas goes up thanx to the ever-present rate of inflation. This year, 2004, the price index is 2.4% which means more money out of our pockets.
This Year's Christmas Price Index
If you consider the song "Twelve Days Of Christmas" and the items listed in the song...and how much they would cost, it would total $66,334.46 in U.S. dollars (see chart below).

Christmas Costs Have Gone Up 2.4%
Within the last year the cost of surviving Christmas has gone up a total of 2.4% due to inflation...and that translates into $17,296.91 when considering the items listed in the song again ("The Twelve Days Of Christmas")
Why Do I Use "X" Instead Of "Christ" In Christmas?
No need to get all butt-hurt, the "X" in Latin stands for the word "Christ" in English, so I'm not taking "Christ" out of "X-Mas" at all.

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 8:50 a.m. Mountain Standard Time
Current Tunes: John Micheal Montgomery - "How Was I To Know"
Weather At Posting: 25 F or -4 C
Current Mood: Dealin' with a minor back ache
Last Meal: Herb roasted chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and country gravy, corn-on-the-cob, and the best homemade chili I've ever had! Ohhh, and a Heineken on tap.

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.

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