Bummed For 4 More Years!
Buzz Kill...Still
I'm still all butt-hurt about Bush winning again. I didn't vote for him the first time and decided after he took power and control that he was doing pretty good.
Shortly after that I decided I made a mistake thinking that...and I'm still convinced the U.S.A. made another mistake.
Farenheit 9/11
I decided to watch what I knew would be considered (in my opinion) propaganda, and am VERY GLAD I did.
Even if only 1/10th of what was in the movie is true, it's still enough to convince anyone with 1/10th of a sane brain not to vote for the greedy, oil puppet.
Civil War
I read something someone wrote recently and agree that we might as well have another civil war and see who wins.
OK, that's not realistic and I really don't want harm to come to my fellow Americans, but the last statement makes an obvious point, no?
I Forgive Him
Bush is only human, I know, so I've decided to forgive the bastard, but I still don't want him in office.
Unfortunately we have to wait 4 years to get rid of him...and just pray that no other greedy oil puppet gets into office after him.
Kerry Fan?
No, I do not agree in any way, shape or form with Kerry's stand on abortion because I whole-heartedly believe that abortion is the murder of your own child; but I do believe in a lot of other things he believes in. There are other things I don't agree with that Kerry agrees with or supports, but I also don't think anyone can like or approve anyone 100%.
If anyone says they agree 100% with someone, then I believe they have a problem and ulterior motives. Can anyone say Nazis, the third reich and Hitler?

Above: Current Time And Weather In Flagstaff, AZ USA
Time Of Posting: 5:36 p.m. Pacific Time
Current Tunes: Breaking Benjamin - "So Cold"
Weather At Posting: 34 F - 1 C
Current Mood: Pissed
Last Meal: Heatin' up some left over chinese food soon...once I get off my lazy azz!

Above: An up-to-the-minute picture of the Flagstaff, Arizona USA area. Looking North toward the San Francisco Peaks from a dorm at Northern Arizona University.

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